The Court of Appeal has now confirmed the High Court’s position that only $27,000.00 per annum is allowed for the rest home subsidy exemption. Historically most trusts have had couples gift $54,000.00 per annum based not only on professional legal advice but also on the Ministry of Social Development’s own […] Read More›
Many people may not be aware that the Court has both inherent power and Statutory power to appoint a new trustee or trustees in various situations. Specifically where a trustee has: misconducted themselves in the administration of the Trust been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty becomes mentally […] Read More›

Landlord or Tenant – who gets the benefit of insurance proceeds when a leased property is destroyed?
A recent decision of the High Court has shown that it is important for Landlord and Tenants to fully understand their respective rights under insurance policies for commercial premises. As is customary under leases, most often the Landlord takes out insurances in respect to the leased premises and charges the […] Read More›
When you are selling your home, it’s almost inevitable that you will be providing certain warranties to the purchaser, about matters such as any work that has been done on the property and that all work and improvements undertaken on the property are certified and compliant with Council regulations. You […] Read More›